Flash has been Retired
All Flash content has been removed from the site. More information on the necessity for this can be found on the Adobe Flash Player End of Life Page. Adobe states the following: "To help secure users' systems, Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021."
It should be emphasized that all interactive content from the NAAP, ClassAction, and Interactive Ranking and Sorting Tasks projects is still available through Native Apps. These materials must be downloaded and installed on your local machine. They function in either WIN or MAC environments (but not on Chromebooks). They will continue to function as long as the underlying operating system allows them to function (which is likely to be many years) and they require no external plug-in. Although there are disadvantages to not having the materials available on the internet, there are also advantages to the new format. Advantages include the ease of accessing materials, the responsiveness of the materials, the ability to control simulation sizes, and guaranteed offline access.
The materials may be installed wherever you see benefit in doing so. At the University of Nebraska, all of the packages are installed on the machines of several classrooms, several public computer labs, and on the laptops available for student checkout across campus. They are also made available to students who are encouraged to install them on their personal machines. The native app executables for Win and MAC are available for download at Native Apps page. There are also short video tutorials on the installation process available and a simulation content guide illustrating which simulations are in the NAAP package and which are in the ClassAction package.
Main Sequence Lifetimes and Sparklers
A new astronomy demonstration video has been uploaded focusing upon the luminosities and lifetimes of Main Sequence Stars. It is available on our YouTube Channel "UNL Astronomy" and embedded on the AU Demonstration Videos Page. It explores these issues using cars and sparklers as analogies for stars.

Recent Web Site Usage Statistics
Statistics on this web site's usage have been tracked since the summer of 2008 using Google Analytics. Here is a posting of the 2020 data (which surprisingly looks a lot like the 2018 and 2019 data).
Fall Workshop Presentations Posted
Curriculum Projects
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Recent Posts
- Flash has been Retired
- Main Sequence Lifetimes and Sparklers
- Recent Web Site Usage Statistics
- Fall Workshop Presentations Posted
- New Astronomy Demonstration Video Posted
- Updated Zoom Info for Astronomy Education Events
- Upcoming Fall Zoom Events
- Recent Web Site Usage Statistics
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