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Agenda for Astronomy Education Workshop

The 13th Astronomy Education Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, October 9, 2010. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Travis Rector of the University of Alaska. He will tell us about his curriculum development on labs where students learn science by actually doing science and have participants experience this first hand with a lab on searching for novae in the Andromeda Galaxy. We will also learn about some of the new planets discovered by the Kepler mission and how these are being communicated to the public. The workshop agenda is available here.

Numerous educational materials, continental breakfast and lunch are provided free of charge. High school instructors, college instructors and undergraduates interested in careers in science education should register with Shannon Parry by phone at 402-472-9312 or by email at sparry3@unl.edu.
Friday, September 10, 2010  —  Kevin