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ClassAction v2

A major focus of our efforts recently has been improving ClassAction. Not only have we made many new questions (there are nearly 450), we have also created a completely new ‘browser’ for ClassAction: ClassAction v2. Although this new browser is still considered beta it is sufficiently well developed that we want to encourage people to try it. Here are some of the things it lets you do:
  • You can now create custom modules with questions and resources that you select. Instructions are on the v2 page.
  • You can download your custom modules in a zip file and run them from your laptop or flash drive during class (no internet dependence).
  • You can resize the browser window and the question will get bigger or smaller as needed.
  • You can use search to find the questions you want. (In the v2 browser, click the logo in the upper right and select ‘Search’ from the menu.)
  • You now have access to all questions and resources in a single package.
  • You can navigate between modules and questions in much the same way as you would in a web browser. You can navigate to the next or previous question in a module with a single click.
  • Large modules are handled more efficiently (reduced CPU load).
Shawn Langan will be presenting this new version of ClassAction at the Mid-American Regional Astrophysics Conference on April 9, 2010.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010  —  Chris