Using ClassAction Materials
To utilize ClassAction materials some type of computer video projection system is needed. Some mechanism by which students vote and the instructor can learn about their voting choices is also needed. Although Personal Response Systems are becoming ever more popular, many classrooms still do not have them and they are not necessary to use ClassAction materials. Students raising colored index cards to convey their vote works almost as well at a fraction of the cost.

There are four different types of questions:
- Warm-ups are simple questions designed to get students in the mood to fully participate in activities. We envision instructors having one of these projected as students enter the classroom.
- General Questions are straightforward applications of course principles with voting options. Although some of these questions are difficult, the concept is being tested in a similar context to that in which the student first experienced it.
- Challenge Questions involve harder questions where the student is required to transfer knowledge to a new situation. We anticipate most instructors using these questions for collaborative discussion and voting among groups of 2 or 3 students.
- Discussion Questions do not have simple answers conducive to providing voting choices. These questions are probably too difficult for students to work on individually. One usage would have groups of students work together on formulating an answer and having a representative give an oral report back to the class.
Thus, one might broadly categorize the Warm-ups and Discussion as easy and hard questions without voting options and the Practice and Challenge as easy and hard questions with voting options.
Although ClassAction materials are designed to be flexible, it is anticipated that the instructor will enter the classroom with a preselected sequence of questions in mind. This could be as simple as writing down question numbers and the resources necessary to provide feedback on those questions. However, the more familiar that an instructor is with ClassAction materials, the better they will be able to adapt to unanticipated miconceptions from students.
A more thorough introduction to ClassAction is given in this document (pdf).